Prep School in Patiala

We, at Kaintal Prep School, one of the renowned and premier Prep School in Patiala, feel that imparting teachings of community care even in a preschool is important for the emotional, social and moral growth of a child. A child is introduced to sensitive concepts such as empathy, responsibility, and cooperation, which helps the child form a loving and a team oriented personality which is a great advantage in life.

  1. Fostering Empathy and Compassion

Starting community care with empathy, of course, is a natural course of events. Preschoolers begin by empathising with their peers’ feelings, whether it is comforting a friend who is sad or sharing one’s toys. These seemingly unimportant actions are the first steps towards equipping someone with the skill of empathy that lasts a lifetime.

  1. Building Social Skills

Community care is said to promote in children the skills of working together, communicating and resolving disagreements. When children engage in group activities, which may include building or solving a puzzle, they learn to appreciate others, wait for their turn and the spirit of togetherness. Such social capabilities will encourage them to maintain meaningful relationships in their later years.

  1. Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion

Preschoolers begin to appreciate differences in other people and such should be encouraged as supplemental to the teaching that they are all special and deserve respect. Engaging in multicultural activities enables children to understand how respectable and important inclusivity is, encouraging them to appreciate differences.

  1. Responsibility Taking And Accountability

Instilling a sense of responsibility in children by teaching them to take care of different chores after performing an activity or even leading a group the children are involved in helps in enhancing their ownership and accountability. This attitude is one that they will carry as they develop and thus assist the society positively.

  1. Fostering Affiliation

Children who are welcomed in a place and have a sense of belonging develop better self-worth and partake in constructive activities voluntarily. Interaction in group discussions and activities that allows participation by each individual gives a greater sense of belonging and promotes positive mental health of the children.

  1. Preparing for the Future Demi-citizenship

Caring about other people’s needs also introduces community concept to preschoolers about their expected function in the future. Minor engagements, like offering help to people or maintaining environmental hygiene, prepare them for active citizenship in their society when they become adults.


As a leading Best Schools in Patiala, Kaintal Prep School strives to emphasise the role of the community in the moulding of the children into responsible and humane citizens. By incorporating elements of compassion, citizenship and cultural respect in children, we make sure that children’s tomorrows remain bright and active, further enhancing their roles in the society.